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**THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED!** We announced our winner on the 23rd April 2022 on our Instagram Stories! Congratulations to the winner! My Elegant Ladies,

 Woman Of Elegance is now a community of 100k+ Subscribers!

 Founded in 2019, the brand’s CEO Vivienne Abena saw a way to merge her passion of the arts, elegant style and etiquette with her love of teaching and as a result Woman Of Elegance was born.

I honestly could not do this without you amazing ladies so by way of saying Thank You and showing my heartfelt gratitude to you, I am giving away a beautiful gift- a product of Elegance, class and timelessness- a wonderful silk scarf by the eponymous brand, Hermes known for its coveted prestige. Now let’s get into the Competition! COVETED is the word!

In one of my YouTube videos, I used the word ‘Coveted‘; I’ve only ever used this word once.

In order for one of you to win this stunning, elegant piece, you must follow these steps: 1. Ascertain which video I used the word ‘coveted’ in and at what time stamp. Send me a DM via Instagram informing me of the answer.

2. Tag 3 friends in this Instagram post and follow my page

3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Woman Of Elegance.

The FIRST PERSON to send me the answer will win the prize!

The closing date for this competition is 30th April 2022. I look forward to all of your responses! Vivienne xx


Tips to avoid IBS

For women with IBS, life can get incredibly busy- more so if we are staying home or working mothers or career women. Simply put, sometimes we are in such a hurry to fit everything into our busy schedules, we barely have time to prepare our own meals let alone plan our meals in advance. Watching our diet should be a priority but the reality is that sometimes we do not have enough time. However, we want to ensure that we avoid things that may jeopardise our health and quality of life which means avoiding foods which will cause discomfort, potential further health issues and ultimately impede our quality of life- not giving us time to really take care of ourselves in every way.

  • cabbage
  • artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol, maltitol, or xylitol
  • baked beans
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • carbonated drinks
  • apples
  • chickpeas
  • lactose in dairy products, such as milk, ice cream, sour cream, and cottage cheese
  • lentils
  • Cauliflower

These are just some foods that could cause an irritable bowel syndrome but is by no means exhaustive. One way to establish which foods are causing you discomfort is to omit a few of these foods at a time from your diet for 2 weeks and see if your symptoms improve. It is better to avoid these foods than to seek medical care in the first instance.



Here are some weight loss tips to help you with a happy, healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not compare your weight loss journey to anyone else’s
  • Don’t look back- only do this to see how far you have come
  • Remember that a combination is key. Don’t just do cardio because you love it and are comfortable with it. Challenge- even scare yourself by stepping into unfamiliar territory
  • Diet is KEY. Stick to a regime that works for YOU, not a fad that is trending right now. Turn it into a lifestyle
  • Discipline yourself. Don’t work out because you are having a bad day. When you push yourself it will strengthen you mentally as well as physically
  • Cut out sugar completely. Replace it with fruits if your cravings overtake you. You can do it. You can!
  • SLEEP! If you are lacking adequate sleep, your body cannot function at an optimum level


Have you ever had a bath, walked out the house and shortly after smell an odour? Have you ever experienced a foul, lingering smell after a light workout at the gym? Do your friends seem uncomfortable around you? Do your friends make comments about a disturbing smell piercing the air every time you are around? Well, sorry to break it to you but you may suffer from body odour.

What is the cause of body odour?

Caused when bacteria lingers in on parts of your body where air flow is restricted such as your armpits, between thighs and feet. This is usually exacerbated by hot weather and general poor health. However, do not fret. This is a problem you can get rid of and get back on track to becoming an elegant woman

Shower at least twice a day

This is something you can’t skip if you want to maintain odour free. If you are prone to sweating easily showring to get rid of the dry sweat is essential

Photo credited to Pinterest

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water will enable you to remain hydrated and improve circulation. When you are undertaking activity such as exercise, constant hydration throughout your regimen will flush out toxins within your body to help you stay cool, fresh and odour free- and gives you superb skin too!

Use an effective anti perspirant

There are huge ranges of deodorants available in local stores and some brands promise protection of up to 48 hours. These are extremely effective so consider purchasing these. If you are oversensitive to such products, conside using organic products or ones which contain natural healing properties such as aloe vera. Anti perspirants aren’t as effective when used on damp skin as water particls that are left behind an cause a foul odour so make sure you dry problem areas thoroughly before using. However, ensure your skin is adequately moisturised before using these products as their harsh nature can cause your skin to crack.

Use fragrance free products for feminine parts of your body

This is essential as you could have allergic reactions if your skin is sensitive and you use harsh products. There are many products on the market such as Simple and Femfresh that cater to women who have sensitive skin.

Wear natural fibres 

Natural fibres such as cotton and linen are excellent as they facilitate airflow around areas of your body. They are friction free and allow all parts of your body to breathe freely.

Shave your armpits regularly

Hairy armpits are a breeding ground for bacteria. Shaving your armpits regularly can help prevent the accumulation of bacteria and can keep your underarms clean and odour free. It can also allow free airflow and eliminate any foul smells.


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