**THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED!** We announced our winner on the 23rd April 2022 on our Instagram Stories! Congratulations to the winner! My Elegant Ladies,Woman Of Elegance is now a community of 100k+ Subscribers!
Founded in 2019, the brand’s CEO Vivienne Abena saw a way to merge her passion of the arts, elegant style and etiquette with her love of teaching and as a result Woman Of Elegance was born.
I honestly could not do this without you amazing ladies so by way of saying Thank You and showing my heartfelt gratitude to you, I am giving away a beautiful gift- a product of Elegance, class and timelessness- a wonderful silk scarf by the eponymous brand, Hermes known for its coveted prestige.

In one of my YouTube videos, I used the word ‘Coveted‘; I’ve only ever used this word once.
In order for one of you to win this stunning, elegant piece, you must follow these steps: 1. Ascertain which video I used the word ‘coveted’ in and at what time stamp. Send me a DM via Instagram informing me of the answer.
2. Tag 3 friends in this Instagram post and follow my page
3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Woman Of Elegance.
The FIRST PERSON to send me the answer will win the prize!
The closing date for this competition is 30th April 2022. I look forward to all of your responses! Vivienne xx