Stephen F. Campbell once quoted: “She was the kind of girl who wore dark lipstick and didn’t need to speak a word to seduce you. And how can we not quote Elizabeth Taylor who once sad ‘Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together’. Lipstick is one makeup product that can literally elevate your look in an instant. However, it is also really easy to get wrong.
When wearing makeup, the elegant woman is aware that less is more. Makeup should be used as a tool to accentuate facial features rather than cover them. We all have hang-ups about some parts of our body, and we all have features that we like more than others. With makeup artists inundating every Instagram feed, it can be very easy to get carried away and spend tons of money buying products that we don’t need. If you have been wearing a product for a long time and fancy a change, we can perhaps add subtle differences to our look rather than make a drastic change to our palate. Try the following points to ensure your lips always looks fabulous and classy.
Accentuate one facial feature
If you are opting for a vivid lipstick colour, keep everything else on your face simple.

Steer clear of elaborate shades
Keep the silver, blue and gold shades for the fancy-dress party. If you want to be bold, stick to red, pink and purple hues for a sultry fabulous look

Use lipliner
This will give you those crisp, sharp edges and help stop your eyeliner from leaking

..and primer
This product is very important if you want to avoid the dreaded lipstick-on-teeth faux pas. It will also stop your lipstick from smudging and being imprinted on your wine glass

Invest in high quality brands
This will prevent your lipstick from caking up and ensure long lasting wear

Wear colours that you feel comfortable in
This will boost your confidence- and confidence equals fabulous